Saturday, September 3, 2016

Introducing Android 7.0 Nougat; 8 Key New Features You May Look Out

Dudes with Android 4.4 Kitkat i guess your turn is actually over because even if you are running Android 5.0 Lollipop i can still consider you are out of the game because with the release of Android 7.0 known as Nougat or Android N before google has already move ahead to improved its Android based operating system and even though only some selected devices are going to receive the update for the time being, i guess those running Android 6.0 Marshmallow should always be ready to welcome the Android 7.0 Nougat on their devices sooner or later.

Bugs, patches, security fixes are the things that were fixed with the new android Nougat, and the introduction of over 250 major features on Android 7 is a great and smart move by Google, but today we can just look at the amazing 8 key new features of Android 7.

So now lets take a loot at the 8 key features of Android Nougat

Android Quick Settings

8 key new features of android nougat

We're big fans of Android's Quick Settings and Nougat makes it an even more powerful facet of the OS by providing full control over the layout. The tiles can be moved around at will and ordered just the way you want.

Multi-Tasking Feature

8 key new features of android nougat

Multi-window allows you to run two apps side by side in easily resizable windows. The amount of screen estate dedicated to each can be adjusted by dragging the slider control.

What's more, the Overview button has gained a new trick. Tapping the button twice switches between the two most recently used apps.

Notification Direct Reply

8 key new features of android 7 nougat

Nougat has added the ability to reply to messages and emails directly from your received notifications.

Aside from being able to fire off quick acknowledgements, this saves you having to open the app proper. One potential problem is the need for developers to implement the technology in apps, and only Google Hangouts is currently supported.

Google Play for Work

8 key new feature in Android 7 nougat

Google has strengthened Android for use in the enterprise. Nougat provides hardier file-based encryption by protecting and isolating files, and you can create a Work Profile to keep personal data separate from the default Android environment.

Your IT manager will able to deploy Android apps, prevent the installation of apps from unknown sources, assign policies that control information stored on your device, and perform remote wiping of business data.

Doze Power-Saving Energy

8 key new features on android 7 nougat

Google has further increased Doze's power-saving efficiency in Nougat. Before Nougat, Doze relied on your phone being in an idle state. That meant not nudging the motion sensors or gyro. You also had to leave the screen on and have the phone plugged into the mains.

The update is free of these limitations, so you can benefit from Doze's battery optimisation even when moving around.

Advanced 3D Rendering

8 key new features of android 7.0 nougat

Gamers will appreciate Nougat's support for the advanced Vulkan 3D rendering API.

Vulkan couples higher performance with lower CPU use, and provides games developers with greater control over the graphics processor. The screenshot above is taken from a gameplay demo that dazzles with reflections, motion blur, smoke and water effects, and more.

Seamless Updates

All new Android handsets sold from now running Nougat will support Seamless updates.

This means that updates can be installed in the background, saving you having to baby-sit the device through the process and waiting for it to optimise your apps.

New Emoji & Languages

8 key new features of android 7 nougat

If you like expressing yourself through the medium of emoji you'll appreciate the 72 new ones added to Nougat.

This brings the total to over 1,500, so there's bound to be one for almost every situation. The ability to use two or more languages at the same time is also a welcome feature.


As you know these are some of the important features attached to the Android 7 Nougat and i think the improvement is fair because all that you need is to get a hold of the new google OS or update your phone when the need arise.

If there is any feature you might want us to know, let us see via the comment box

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